Paul Friday, Ph.D.

Paul Friday, Ph.D.
Ph.D. (1970) University of Wisconsin
M.S. (1966) University of Wisconsin
B.S. (1964) Drew University
Professor Friday is a former chair of the department and most known for his international research in the areas of delinquency, delinquency prevention, Victimology and violence. He taught courses on International Criminal Justice, Violence and the Violent Offender and Victimology.
Dr. Friday received the UNC Charlotte award as International Educator of the year (2006); the John P. Dussich award for lifetime scholarship contributions to Victimology by the American Society of Victimology (2006) and has been recognized as a Senior Research Scholar for the Institute for Social Capital, UNC Charlotte.
Dr. Friday’s recent publications include Delinquency and Juvenile Justice in the Non-Western World (with Xin Ren, 2006), Different Responses to Violence in Japan and America (with JPJ Dussich, A. Yamagami and T. Okada, 2001) Victimology At The Transition From The 20th To 21st Century (with G.F. Kirchhoff, 2000) He published a series of articles based on a five-year project on a Chinese Birth and a critical article on “Abuse of Power: Issues of Theory and Policy” (with M. de la Luz Lima, 2005) in a United Nations Publication. He has served as an NGO representative to The United Nations Crime Commission in Vienna and to the International Scientific and Professional Advisory Committee of the United Nations. He was also Executive Counselor and Treasurer of the World Society of Victimology and on the Executive Board of the International Division of the American Society of Criminology.
Dr. Friday’s research includes studies on domestic violence and the police, chronic offenders, drugs and crime, youth drug use and abuse, community best practices in the delivery of mental health and substance abuse treatment, and other community program evaluations, and surveys especially as they involve the police. He was Vice-Chair of the Charlotte-Mecklenburg Drug Free Coalition, a member of the Charlotte Homicide Task Force and was a research consultant for the Mecklenburg County Sheriff’s Office. Dr. Friday also conducted international research on the legal responses to drug trafficking in the Golden Triangle of China, trafficking in women and children, and another project on the impact of globalization on crime in India.